Belhus Park Conservation Management Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Have Your Say on the future of Belhus Park and help us protect this historic open space

We have already been speaking with multiple people and organisations interested in the park’s future. The information provided in these discussions have helped us create a Conservation Management Plan for Belhus Park. This plan will help protect the park by enabling us to apply for funding to care for and deliver important improvements to the Park. We are seeking your views on the final draft plan, to further understand the role that Belhus Park plays for local communities and residents, and to ensure that the proposals included within the plan match with the priorities and wishes of local communities and residents.

What is a Conservation Management Plan?

Historic England’s website explains the purpose and role of Conservation Management Plans: Maintenance, Repair and Conservation Management Plans for Historic Parks and Gardens

Why do we need a Conservation Management Plan for Belhus Park?

The Belhus Park is a Grade-II Registered Park and Garden, and an important heritage asset for Thurrock. In 2018, the Park was added to Historic England’s Heritage at Risk Register. A number of issues are putting the park at risk. These include:

    • The impact of the M25, which divides the park in half, and detracts from its historic character,
    • The fact that different parcels of the park are managed by different landowners, and at the moment there is no collective approach to protecting the historic significance of the park,
    • The fact that the park is no longer perceived as a single entity by the public,
    • Pressure from surrounding local development, which could have a detrimental impact on the park.

The Conservation Management Plan has been prepared to help reduce the impact of these issues. It suggests a series of policies that will be adopted by the council, and will allow the different landowners who have a stake in the Park to act together - to manage its change and protect the park as an important heritage asset.

Have your say by taking the survey below.

Have Your Say on the future of Belhus Park and help us protect this historic open space

We have already been speaking with multiple people and organisations interested in the park’s future. The information provided in these discussions have helped us create a Conservation Management Plan for Belhus Park. This plan will help protect the park by enabling us to apply for funding to care for and deliver important improvements to the Park. We are seeking your views on the final draft plan, to further understand the role that Belhus Park plays for local communities and residents, and to ensure that the proposals included within the plan match with the priorities and wishes of local communities and residents.

What is a Conservation Management Plan?

Historic England’s website explains the purpose and role of Conservation Management Plans: Maintenance, Repair and Conservation Management Plans for Historic Parks and Gardens

Why do we need a Conservation Management Plan for Belhus Park?

The Belhus Park is a Grade-II Registered Park and Garden, and an important heritage asset for Thurrock. In 2018, the Park was added to Historic England’s Heritage at Risk Register. A number of issues are putting the park at risk. These include:

    • The impact of the M25, which divides the park in half, and detracts from its historic character,
    • The fact that different parcels of the park are managed by different landowners, and at the moment there is no collective approach to protecting the historic significance of the park,
    • The fact that the park is no longer perceived as a single entity by the public,
    • Pressure from surrounding local development, which could have a detrimental impact on the park.

The Conservation Management Plan has been prepared to help reduce the impact of these issues. It suggests a series of policies that will be adopted by the council, and will allow the different landowners who have a stake in the Park to act together - to manage its change and protect the park as an important heritage asset.

Have your say by taking the survey below.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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