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Consultation has concluded
We want our cemeteries to be safe, peaceful, respectful places for visiting loved ones.
Our cemeteries have regulations to help maintain standards. These regulations cover a range of topics, from the size and type of commemorative items that can be placed on graves, to expected behaviour when visiting a cemetery.
We are reviewing our cemetery regulations to make sure they're up to date. We're also writing a new strategy for cemeteries. We would like you to have your say.
Bereavement is a sensitive and emotive subject. When preparing this survey, we've taken care to minimise any distress the questions might cause. However, if there are any questions you would prefer not to answer, please leave them blank.
The questions in this survey cover:
burials and cremations
children's sections
burial chapels
natural burials and faith burials
community involvement
visiting with dogs
We want our cemeteries to be safe, peaceful, respectful places for visiting loved ones.
Our cemeteries have regulations to help maintain standards. These regulations cover a range of topics, from the size and type of commemorative items that can be placed on graves, to expected behaviour when visiting a cemetery.
We are reviewing our cemetery regulations to make sure they're up to date. We're also writing a new strategy for cemeteries. We would like you to have your say.
Bereavement is a sensitive and emotive subject. When preparing this survey, we've taken care to minimise any distress the questions might cause. However, if there are any questions you would prefer not to answer, please leave them blank.
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Cemeteries Consultation is currently at this stage
This consultation is open for contributions.
this is an upcoming stage for Cemeteries Consultation
This consultation closes on 10 August 2022.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Cemeteries Consultation
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.