Grays PSPO Consultation

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Consultation has concluded

This consultation has ended.

As a result of this consultation the order was extended and is due to expire on 31st March 2023.

The area was slightly extended and covers:

  • Sherfield Road, from junction with Argent Street to crossing with Crown Road;
  • Crown Road to Stanley Road;
  • Stanley Road to Orsett Road;
  • Orsett Road into London Road, into Hogg Lane, to Eastern Way;
  • Eastern Way to Seally Road;
  • Seally Road to London Road;
  • London Road to Maidstone Road;
  • Maidstone Road to Bruces Wharf Road;
  • Bruces Wharf Road to Argent Street;
  • Argent Street to Sherfield Road incorporating the Derby Road Bridge, Bridge Road into Clarence Road to Bridge Road and up to Orsett Road;
  • Hampden Road including the alleyway parallel to Orsett Road.

The order prohibits the following:

  1. all drinking of alcohol and consummation of intoxicating substances within the designated area
  2. being verbally abusive to any person or behaving in a way which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to another person
  3. Urination in a public place other than within designated public toilets
  4. spitting in a public place

The consultation

Thurrock Council is considering re-applying and extending the current Public Space Protection Order which is due to expire on 31 March 2020. The Public Space Protection Order was initially introduced to address street drinking and anti-social behaviour caused by a minority of residents in the area. As the Order is about to expire, the Council is seeking views from residents in the Grays Thurrock and Grays Riverside wards and also views from local residents, businesses and other key stakeholders on this proposal and would appreciate your feedback.

There are a number of ways of providing your feedback and sharing your experience of anti social behaviour.

The survey will capture key details required for the PSPO application. You may also like to use the mapping tool to demonstrate where you have experienced the types of anti social behaviour by dragging and dropping the relevant pin onto the place on the map where this was experienced. You can also ask us a question via the 'Ask us a question' tab.

This consultation page is not for the reporting of crime but to gather evidence for a PSPO application. To report an incidence of crime please contact the Police on 101 or 999 in emergencies.

This consultation has ended.

As a result of this consultation the order was extended and is due to expire on 31st March 2023.

The area was slightly extended and covers:

  • Sherfield Road, from junction with Argent Street to crossing with Crown Road;
  • Crown Road to Stanley Road;
  • Stanley Road to Orsett Road;
  • Orsett Road into London Road, into Hogg Lane, to Eastern Way;
  • Eastern Way to Seally Road;
  • Seally Road to London Road;
  • London Road to Maidstone Road;
  • Maidstone Road to Bruces Wharf Road;
  • Bruces Wharf Road to Argent Street;
  • Argent Street to Sherfield Road incorporating the Derby Road Bridge, Bridge Road into Clarence Road to Bridge Road and up to Orsett Road;
  • Hampden Road including the alleyway parallel to Orsett Road.

The order prohibits the following:

  1. all drinking of alcohol and consummation of intoxicating substances within the designated area
  2. being verbally abusive to any person or behaving in a way which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to another person
  3. Urination in a public place other than within designated public toilets
  4. spitting in a public place

The consultation

Thurrock Council is considering re-applying and extending the current Public Space Protection Order which is due to expire on 31 March 2020. The Public Space Protection Order was initially introduced to address street drinking and anti-social behaviour caused by a minority of residents in the area. As the Order is about to expire, the Council is seeking views from residents in the Grays Thurrock and Grays Riverside wards and also views from local residents, businesses and other key stakeholders on this proposal and would appreciate your feedback.

There are a number of ways of providing your feedback and sharing your experience of anti social behaviour.

The survey will capture key details required for the PSPO application. You may also like to use the mapping tool to demonstrate where you have experienced the types of anti social behaviour by dragging and dropping the relevant pin onto the place on the map where this was experienced. You can also ask us a question via the 'Ask us a question' tab.

This consultation page is not for the reporting of crime but to gather evidence for a PSPO application. To report an incidence of crime please contact the Police on 101 or 999 in emergencies.

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Grays PSPO Area

about 1 year

The below map provides the boundary of the PSPO. We have pre set a number of pins that represent street drinking and other aspects of ASB. We would like you to use the map to drag and drop those pins to the places where you have experienced those aspects of ASB. For example, if you have experienced street drinking on Argent street, you could drag and drop the street drinking pin onto the relevant place on Argent Street.  

This information will help provide evidence to support the PSPO application and is not a crime reporting tool. To report crime please contact 101 or in an emergency dial 999. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.