Interim Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2024-2025
Consultation has ended and comments received are under review.

Have your say on Thurrock’s proposed polling districts and polling places.
What is a Polling District?
A polling district is a geographical area created by splitting an electoral area such as a ward or parliamentary constituency, into smaller parts. A polling district must be completely within the ward boundary.
What is a Polling Place?
A polling place is a building (e.g., a school or community centre) or area in which a polling station is located.
What is a Polling Station?
A polling station is the building (i.e., the room) where the process of voting takes place.
Earlier this year, the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) carried out a review of ward arrangements in Thurrock. The new wards were published on 3 December 2024 and will be in place for the local elections held on 1 May 2025. We cannot alter these new recommended ward boundaries.
We need to split these wards into polling districts and identify a polling place within each. Our proposals can be found within the Interactive Map below, which you can use to find your polling district and polling place. Maps of each polling district can also be downloaded.
We are required to consult on these proposals. Please provide your comments by completing the survey below. Alternatively, we also welcome comments by email to
We welcome feedback from everyone, especially those who may have expertise in relation to access to premises or facilities for persons with any disability.