What is Tech Enabled Care (TEC)?

    TEC includes helpful gadgets like alarms and sensors to support people to live safely and independently at home.

    Why is the Council introducing charges for TEC services?

    To manage costs better, the Council is proposing a weekly fee for TEC monitoring services. This will help continue offering these valuable services.

    Will I have to pay for my TEC device?

    No, the devices themselves will still be free if they cost under £1,000. The proposed charge is for the 24/7 monitoring service.

    How much will I have to pay for the monitoring service?

    We don’t know now, but we will be consulting with affected residents to work out a cost that is fair and appropriate, subject to individual means testing.

    What services does the TEC monitoring include?

    The service includes around-the-clock monitoring for emergencies and quick help when you need it.

    What happens if I choose not to use the TEC service anymore?

    It's your personal choice whether you want to use the service or not. If you opt out, please be aware that it might affect your safety and support at home.

    Will the new charges affect the quality of the TEC service?

    No, the quality and type of service you receive will not change. The charges are to help maintain the high standard of service.

    Can I give my opinion on these changes?

    Yes, the Council welcomes your views. There will be opportunities for you to share your thoughts through consultations. Please refer to this page for upcoming opportunities.