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Consultation has concluded
We are working on a new Local Plan that will shape the development of Thurrock up to the year 2040. Within the Local Plan, we will identify on a map ('designate') green areas for special protection.
Local Green Space designation is a way to provide special protection against development for green areas of particular importance to local communities.
An area can be designated as a Local Green Space if:
the land is not subject of a planning permission for development
the space is not allocated or proposed for development in the Local Plan
the space is not an extensive tract of land and is local in character
the space is within close proximity of the community it serves
the space is demonstrably special to the local community and holds particular local significance
Nominate a Local Green Space
We are inviting communities to suggest sites to be designated as a Local Green Space. All sites put forward will be assessed as part of the new Local Plan.
Our 'Local Green Space call for sites' is open from 9am, Monday 24 January 2022 until 5pm, Sunday 6 March 2022.
To submit a site, you can use the map below. You should provide as much information as possible, if you are able to please include a map that shows the site boundaries. Alternatively you can download the nomination form and submit that. It is important that you read our Designating Local Green Space guidance, below, before completing the form.
Local Green Space call for sites
Local Green Space site nomination form (DOCX)
Local Green Space site nomination form, read-only and print (PDF)
Designating Local Green Space guidance (PDF)
You can send your completed form to us either by email or post.
Local Green Spaces call for sites Strategic Planning, Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL e:
When we receive site details
For each site put forward, we will:
consider all evidence submitted against the 5 points listed above
come to a judgement as to whether we will propose the site as a Local Green Space
give clear reasons for our judgement
We may not give the site a Local Green Space designation if it is already protected sufficiently by existing designations.
We are working on a new Local Plan that will shape the development of Thurrock up to the year 2040. Within the Local Plan, we will identify on a map ('designate') green areas for special protection.
Local Green Space designation is a way to provide special protection against development for green areas of particular importance to local communities.
An area can be designated as a Local Green Space if:
the land is not subject of a planning permission for development
the space is not allocated or proposed for development in the Local Plan
the space is not an extensive tract of land and is local in character
the space is within close proximity of the community it serves
the space is demonstrably special to the local community and holds particular local significance
Nominate a Local Green Space
We are inviting communities to suggest sites to be designated as a Local Green Space. All sites put forward will be assessed as part of the new Local Plan.
Our 'Local Green Space call for sites' is open from 9am, Monday 24 January 2022 until 5pm, Sunday 6 March 2022.
To submit a site, you can use the map below. You should provide as much information as possible, if you are able to please include a map that shows the site boundaries. Alternatively you can download the nomination form and submit that. It is important that you read our Designating Local Green Space guidance, below, before completing the form.
Local Green Space call for sites
Local Green Space site nomination form (DOCX)
Local Green Space site nomination form, read-only and print (PDF)
Designating Local Green Space guidance (PDF)
You can send your completed form to us either by email or post.
Local Green Spaces call for sites Strategic Planning, Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL e:
When we receive site details
For each site put forward, we will:
consider all evidence submitted against the 5 points listed above
come to a judgement as to whether we will propose the site as a Local Green Space
give clear reasons for our judgement
We may not give the site a Local Green Space designation if it is already protected sufficiently by existing designations.